With 35 years of teaching experience, Dr. Garrett brings a broad knowledge of repertoire to her teaching, and a commitment to reading the music score with accuracy and historical reference. Developing technique and style is motivated by a desire to assist students in performing a thoughtful, in-depth and inspiring rendition of each piece, while seeking a deeply personal expression of the music.   

"My years of study with Dusi Mura shaped me as a person and as a musician. She drove us all crazy, insisting that every note must be played with intension and content, with care and with beauty.  And now I carry that with me to every lesson I teach." 

Lynne Garrett

"The study of music helps develop focus, concentration, memory, reasoning, and discipline, among other things. It builds confidence, self-esteem, and poise. It stimulates the imagination and the creative mind and is a uniquely wonderful way to express emotions. Attaining a high level of expertise on any subject brings an appreciation for learning and knowledge. Becoming an outstanding musician requires a broad understanding of music theory, music history, and musical styles. To achieve a high level of artistry one must master the technical skills, in order to be free to discover the most ideal sound, tap into the innermost emotions, and bring a depth of expression to each sound. "                                     

Dr. Garrett                                                                                           


"There is such joy and gratification in guiding young people in their study of music. It is an honor to have a front row seat to their growth and development, to see their personalities emerge and their love of music blossom. I learn so many things from THEM, and I often share their insights and inspirations with other students. I encourage them to verbally express their ideas and opinions, to talk about how the music makes them feel, to have conversations about the music. That interaction is a very important part of their musical journey. The next step is for them to bring their thoughts and emotions to the music, and to the instrument, from their hearts to their fingertips."     Dr. Garrett